Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

Ausnahmsweise mein Horoskop

It's makeover magic time, Capricorn. With a New Moon in your sign, it's time to take a look in the mirror. Do your clothes, hair, and overall appearance really reflect who you are? The sleepy, buttoned-up, or neutral-colored style you rocked last year is no longer a fit. Lucky Jupiter is in Capricorn all year encouraging you to dress in trendier, attention-getting, colorful clothes with rock n' roll flair. Don't dismiss this as shallow or unimportant. Your image says a lot about what's going on inside you now. Start taking care of yourself and wearing your funloving nature on your sleeve. The world will respond to you differently and you're going to enjoy it thoroughly.

Warum? Weil's paßt. Und weil mein Lieblingsnachbar, obwohl er weiß, daß ich mir schon seit Jahren nicht mehr selber die Karten lege, meinte, er hätte das Gefühl ich solle es diese Woche unbedingt mal machen. Wo ist da der Zusammenhang? In meinem Bauch ist da einer.

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